Satoru Hayasaka's Bio

Brief bio

Dr. Satoru Hayasaka was trained in statistical analysis of various types of biomedical data. Since his doctoral training, he has taught several courses on data analysis geared toward non-experts and beginners. In recent years, he taught introductory machine learning courses to graduate students from different disciplines. Recently he joined KNIME as part of the evangelism team, and he continues teaching machine learning and data mining using KNIME Analytics Platform.


B.Sc. (Honours Statistics) — Concordia University (Montréal, QC, Canada)

M.S. (Biostatistics) — The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Ph.D. (Biostatistics) — The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Post-Doc — University of California, San Francisco


You can download my complete CV from here.

Satoru Hayasaka, Ph.D.
Contact Information:

sathayas [dot] github [at] gmail [dot] com



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