
Recent papers (since 2016)


Hayasaka S. Anti-Fragmentation of Resting-State fMRI Connectivity Networks with Node-Wise Thresholding. Brain Connectivity 7: 504-514. (2017) [PubMed]

Sun Y, Xiong X, Pandya D, Jung Y, Mintz A, Hayasaka S, Wadas TJ, Li KCP. Enhancing tissue permeability with MRI guided preclinical focused ultrasound system in rabbit muscle: From normal tissue to VX2 tumor. J Control Release. 256:1-8. (2017)


Casanova R, Hayasaka S, Saldana S, Bryan NR, Demos KE, Desiderio L, Erickson KI, Espeland MA, Nasrallah IM, Wadden T, Laurienti PJ. Relative differences in restingstate brain connectivity associated with long term intensive lifestyle intervention. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 74:231-239. (2016)

Hayasaka S. Explosive percolation in thresholded networks. Physica A. 451:1-9. (2016) [arXiv]

Selected key publications

Hayasaka S. Functional connectivity networks with and without global signal correction. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:880. (2013) [Full text]

Moussa MN, Steen MR, Laurienti PJ, Hayasaka S. Consistency of network modules in restingstate fMRI connectome data. PLoS ONE. 7:e44428. (2012) [Full text]

Joyce KE, Hayasaka S. Development of PowerMap: a Software Package for Statistical Power Calculation in Neuroimaging Studies. Neuroinformatics. 10:351-365. (2012) [PubMed]

Hayasaka S, Hugenschmidt CE, Laurienti PJ. A Network of Genes, Genetic Disorders, and Brain Areas. PLoS ONE. 6:e20907. (2011) [Full text]

Joyce KE, Laurienti PJ, Burdette JH, Hayasaka S. A new measure of centrality for brain networks. PLoS ONE. 5(8):e12200. (2010) [Full text]

Hayasaka S, Laurienti PJ. Comparison of characteristics between region-and voxel-based network analyses in resting-state fMRI data. NeuroImage. 50(2):499-508. (2010) [PubMed]

Hayasaka S, Peiffer AM, Hugenschmidt CE, Laurienti PJ. Power and sample size calculation for neuroimaging studies by noncentral random field theory. NeuroImage. 37:721-730. (2007) [PubMed]

Hayasaka S, Nichols TE. Combining Voxel Intensity and Cluster Extent with Permutation Test Framework. NeuroImage. 23:54-63. (2004) [PubMed]

Hayasaka S, Phan KL, Liberzon I, Worsley KJ, Nichols TE. Non-Stationary Cluster Size Inference with Random Field and Permutation Methods. NeuroImage. 22:676-687. (2004) [PubMed]

Hayasaka S, Nichols TE. Validating Cluster Size Inference: Random Field and Permutation Methods. NeuroImage. 20:2343-2356. (2003) [PubMed]

Nichols TE, Hayasaka S. Controlling the Familywise Error Rate in Functional Neuroimaging: A Comparative Review. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 12:419-446. [PubMed]

For the full list of publications, please consult my CV.

Satoru Hayasaka, Ph.D.
Contact Information:

sathayas [dot] github [at] gmail [dot] com



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