
Selected KNIME Videos

Webinars and Learnathons

Virtual Data Science Learnathon - ML Model Training (November 2020) [YouTube]

Recap & Office Hours: Get your Workflow Questions Answered (June 2020) [YouTube]

KNIME Data Talks Japan (日本語)

KNIME新着情報、そして近日公開 (April 2021) [YouTube]

Classes from U of Texas at Austin

fMRI / Brain Imaging

PSY 394U Methods for fMRI (Fall 2019) [Course notes] [Codes]

PSY 381D Brain connectivity (Spring 2019) [Course notes] [Codes]

Python Classes

PSY 394U Data analytics with Python (Spring 2019) [Course notes] [Codes]

PSY 341K / PSY 394U Python coding for psychological sciences (Fall 2019) [Course notes] [Codes]


Git & GitHub [Note]

NIfTI & BIDS [Note]

Satoru Hayasaka, Ph.D.
Contact Information:

sathayas [dot] github [at] gmail [dot] com



An old dog like me can learn a new trick! CSS and HTML powered by Satoru Hayasaka.